Mala Beads
19 products
Showing 1 - 19 of 19 products

"Full Meditation" Buddhist Rosary

Black and Red Sandalwood Buddhist Rosary

Green Chinese Mala Buddhist Rosary

Chinese Mala Buddhist Rosary

Black Chinese Mala Buddhist Rosary

Green and Red Mala Buddhist Rosary

Sandalwood Buddhist Rosary

Quartz Stone Buddhist Rosary

Buddhist Rosary with Pink Tassel

Buddhist Rosary with 108 Agate Beads

Sodalite Buddhist Rosary Bracelet

Buddhist Yoga Rosary

Beaded Rosary Necklace with Cross

Rhodochrosite Buddhist Jewelry Rosary

Buddhist Rosary with Bodhi Seed

Tibetan Mala Buddhist Rosary

Buddhist Rosary with Tree of Life Pendant

Buddhist Mala Prayer Beads

Navigate through our extensive collection of Buddhist Mala Beads! If you are in search of a mala made from natural stones, with wooden or seed beads, with or without the presence of Buddha to accompany you during your meditation or yoga sessions, then you will undoubtedly find your bliss here.
All our bead necklaces are unisex (Men and Women), meaning they are ideal for both men and women. It is evident that some models will appeal more to women and others more to men.
All our Buddhist Mala Beads are carved and crafted 100% by hand by our team of passionate artisans.
Malas or Tibetan Buddhist prayer beads are similar to other prayer beads used in various world religions. Some people have called the Mala a Buddhist rosary, but in Tibetan, a mala is called a threngwa. Mala is a Sanskrit word meaning "garland". They are used to keep count while one recites, chants, or mentally repeats a mantra or the name(s) of a deity. Malas are used as a tool to keep count of mantra repetitions. Mantras are spiritual syllables or prayers and are usually repeated many times.
Malas are used to help focus a person's attention and concentration during spiritual practice. Long malas, as opposed to shorter bead bracelet malas, count 108 beads. The summit or head bead is called the guru bead or sumeru. In Tibetan Buddhism, a mala constitutes 100 recitations of a mantra. Eight additional recitations are performed to ensure good concentration.
If you meditate regularly or practice yoga, you have probably already encountered mala beads. Mala beads, commonly known as japa mala or simply mala, are a type of prayer beads. Prayer beads have been used for centuries by many religions, from Hinduism to Buddhism to Catholicism.
Today, they are sometimes used as a mindfulness aid without any religious affiliation. They traditionally comprise 108 beads in addition to a guru bead, larger than the other beads and often equipped with a tassel.
Mala beads can help you practice different aspects of meditation, which is linked to a range of health benefits. Meditation can help to reduce stress levels, improve sleep, increase daily serenity, and lower blood pressure.
But meditation is not always easy. Many people struggle, especially in the beginning, to keep their mind from wandering. That's where mala beads come in. Mala beads aim to help you stay focused during meditation.
Here are two ways a mala can facilitate meditation:
- The repetitive motion of your fingers on the beads helps you ground.
- Touching each bead as you pronounce a mantra lets you know how many times you have repeated the mantra.
You can use mala beads in various ways during meditation, but breath control and mantra repetition are two good starting points. Simply paying attention to your breath can be a form of meditation. It's also a practical form, since you can practice it anywhere.
The mala is held with gentleness and respect, generally in the right hand. To use your mala, hold it in your right hand and begin reciting from the guru bead, moving clockwise around the mala, using your thumb to move the beads. Count one bead for each recitation of the mantra. The first bead is held between the index and thumb, and with each recitation of the mantra, move your thumb to pull another bead in place on the index finger.
Here is a list of some known natural stones in Lithotherapy featured in our malas, with their specific virtues and properties:
- Amethyst is the natural stone of spirituality and contentment. It balances the energy of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies.
- Garnet enhances internal fire and promotes creative power. It is useful in cases of feelings of abandonment and brings freshness to life.
- Granite helps balance relationships, promotes cooperative efforts, and facilitates diplomacy. It helps increase wealth while allowing the beneficiary to remain modest.
- Jade aids dream analysis and guarantees the user a long and fruitful life. It helps purify the body towards the spiritual world.
- Lapis provides objectivity, clarity, and mental endurance during emotional realization moments. It also helps with creativity, organization, and relieves depression.
- Malachite creates an unobstructed path to a desired goal and helps the user accept responsibility for their actions and circumstances.
- Moonstone promotes balance, introspection, and reflection. It helps manage emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual changes, and recognize the "ups and downs".
- Quartz amplifies the body's energy and thoughts. It also brings star energy to the body.
- Rose quartz creates harmony and self-love in chaotic situations. It is the stone of gentle love and brings peace into relationships.
- Sandstone builds and strengthens relationships and/or groups. It allows understanding of deception and encourages truth.
- Tiger Eye stone brings clarity when it comes to scattered intellectual fragments. This stone is practical and grounding.
- Turquoise is a healing stone. It heals the spirit with soothing energy and purifies the soul. It has spiritual and protective properties, and balances the masculine and feminine aspects of a person's character.
There are many other natural stones that we have not listed above, but also have interesting virtues. To name a few: Jasper, Citrine, Onyx, Hematite, Obsidian, Labradorite, Rhodonite, etc.
Now that you have discovered all our Buddhist Malas, why not explore our stunning collection of Buddhist Bracelets. Adorn your wrists with these beautiful and spiritually meaningful pieces.